
At Dive Rarotonga we are passionate about sustainable diving. We always make sure that we take only pictures and leave only bubbles on all our dive excursions.

To protect our fragile coral reef from anchor damage, we have installed mooring systems on five of our most dived sites, sharing these with other dive operators on the Island to minimise the impact on the reef of boat traffic.

We also ask everyone during our dive briefings to be aware of their buoyancy control and streamlining to protect the coral.

We participate in clean-up dives too. If you are on the Island during one of the Project Aware clean-up days, we usually run free dive excursions. Obviously you will be picking up any rubbish you see, but thankfully the underwater world around Rarotonga is pretty clean and tidy!

We have a number of totally unique PADI Distinctive Specialties to offer, all based around marine conservation surveys — please ask us for details.

We are committed to preserving our diving environment. To that end and to compliment our Coral Transplant Project, we have gained the permissions and authority to install six new fixed moorings on the west of the Island at our popular sites. This has been a process involving Ministry of Transport, National Environment Service and Cook Islands Tourism. They should all be in place by mid-2023.

In January 2023 we became the only operator within the Cook Islands’ marine tourism industry with Green Fins Digital Membership. As such, we follow environmentally-friendly guidelines established internationally by the Reef World Foundation and the UN Environment Programme, aimed at protecting and conserving coral reefs through sustainable diving.

Mooring buoy install